Friday, October 31, 2008

Dual Coding Theory

In the image we have to review, there are a number of aspects of dual coding theory. First and foremost (for me anyway) is the words. I tend to jump to the text of an image first. "Practice Like Champions" and "We Believe" give you a very strong impression about work ethic and pride. The image itself is of a locker room door. It looks somewhat old and kind of worn, but with the words scrolled across it and inside it it adds to an impression of power and strength. Both the visuals (the picture part of the image) and the text work together to connect you to an impression of hard work and commitment that really get you ahead. Nike, a primarily sports-oriented company, appeals to the inner athlete in (most) guys by suggesting that they too can achieve athletic greatest through hard work and perseverance (and of course buying Nike apparel).

1 comment:

adrienn said...

Hey Jeff, I agree that the photo gives off a feeling of perserverence and hard work. However, I didn't really feel like it was a good example of dual coding theory. I feel like it lacked sufficient visual stimulation to go along with the words. It was pretty much just words. I just think that there are many better examples of dual coding theory, thus I didn't have much to say on the topic.
By the way, thank you for helping me with me internet on Friday!!